Monday, January 24, 2005

The Best Things in Life are Free

Yes it's true...the best things in life are free:)

Here's a classic example...Flashback to April 2003. I was having a really terrible day at the office, you know when everything seems to go wrong and things actually do not go my way, when I decided to take a breather by going down to our office building's food court to look for something sweet. I thought that getting my sugar fix would compensate for the ho-hum morning I've been having. So I left my cube and went to the lobby and as I waited for the elevator, this guy that I used to have a crush on caught up with me. He then started a conversation to which I gamely responded to. The elevator finally stopped at our floor and we both stepped in, still continuing with our small talk. Then all of a sudden, I was like transported into a warp zone where all I heard was senseless noise and whirrring sounds (well I usually have this when I am stressed or when I am not in my element) and my ex-crush's words didn't make sense anymore. So as much as I hated to admit that I didn't get a single word of what he was saying, I had no choice but to say..."Sorry?" to which he replied with a big grin on his face..."Bakit ka sorry?" (Why are you sorry?)...I actually thought that he was kidding...but he wasn't!!! I wanted to laugh my head off but good thing I was able to get a hold of myself. And I actually had to explain to him what I meant when I said "Sorry?" When we arrived at our stop, I already lost the appetite to get my sugar fix so I had to make an excuse that I forgot something upstairs. On my way up, I really had a good laugh and I was thankful that it was just me inside the elevator...I saved a few bucks and also a few pounds that I should've gained all because of that free comic relief I had with ex-crush...Thank God he was an ex-crush. Teehehee...

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