Tuesday, February 28, 2006

RV Week 3: Chronicle 1 (CK...Crushing on Kris)

My week was not complete since I was not able to see *K at the office the whole day of Friday. I don't know. There is something about him that I cannot quite comprehend but nonetheless draws me to him. It's not just his looks, which I say for the nth time is HOT HOT HOT!!! I just like talking to him since he's just so down-to-earth yet his really really smart. Oh my here I go again...Earlier, at the office, we were casually talking in the pantry over smoked salmon, bagels, and cream cheese. Our small talk ranged from staying at The Woodfin, remembering names, cooking, and invitations. I don't know how it slipped out, but I managed to invite him to a non-existent "cook-in" we were supposed to be having. Hahaha. Man! I must be truly insane. Then I noticed that crumbs started to gather on his upper lip. And you know what my tendency was? I grabbed a couple of napkins but I managed to hold back. I forcefully fought off the urge to wipe his mouth clean. Holy crap!!! I even though of kissing him. Hahahah! I must be sick. Geeze!!! Anyway, I still have a couple of weeks more to enjoy my "time" with him. Yeah...enjoy I will. Teehehehe...

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