Wednesday, March 08, 2006

RV Week 4

Scene: Office pantry

*K: I heard you guys have been drinking...
Me: Well yeah, booze was everywhere at M*s place. It was fun though...
*K: At least you had fun, but I heard you were the worst...(then makes a mocking gesture of drinking booze or whatever with a sly smile on his face)
Me: That is soooo not true! Who'd you get that from?
*K: I won't reveal my sources (and ziplocks his lips)

Then we both go out of the pantry. Now what the f@#!k was that?!? So much for making an impression...

I usually have my dose of fun in the pantry whenever I see *K in there, getting water or coffee. Our conversations were usually pleasant, even our bickerings could be considered ermmm...cute?!? Haha! (Well, to me they were...) Until this morning... when my wit and sarcasm deserted me at the time I needed it most.

Holy sheesh!!! I'd better stop now...

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