Thursday, April 02, 2009

I had a dream...again

I am making it a habit to blog all my weird dreams...

I have non-weird dreams which I find more special just because...hahaha!

Anyway, this entry is supposed to be for my weird dream...

Last night, I dreamed that I won the Ms. Universe pageant. Hahahaha! EA was there, Mama was there, pageant organizers were there and a roomful of press people were there. It was such a great feeling, in my dream at least, to be considered as the most beautiful woman whatever year it was since it was the first time in a long while that the Philippines brought home the crown. To bring such pride to my country...hahahaha! Okay Ana!!! Stop!!! Dream nga lang eh...Well it was good while it lasted...


meanbone said...

siguro your dream meant that you are somebody's Universe :-p asus!

anne said...

again...ika nga ni charvie...etchusera!!! hahaha:p