Monday, May 09, 2005

Random Musings

Here I am, in front of my laptop, groping for words as I've been so out of it lately. Didn't go to work today since I've been down with a fever. I don't know but this is probably because of the weather, the sweltering heat that I feel so sluggish...The past few days have been really difficult for me since I've been feeling really down. I know I shouldn't be complaining. Not that my life's so bad, it has never been that way actually. But have you ever felt that despite everything that you are and have, there's this nagging sense of emptiness that crawls and feeds on your gut? I have been trying to pinpoint what could've been causing this and after pushing my brains to think deep and hard, I realized it was one of those fateful days when a friend of mine asked me to try something out and I did, thinking that I had nothing to lose and everything to gain in the process. But I did...I lost my heart which I think I will never get back whole again.

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