My "pang-konsehala" pic, The Devil Wears Prada pic, the Curly Geek pic, The Kinky pic, and my "pinilit unatin ang buhok" pic not necessarily in that order...I hope I got the descriptions right though...So take your pick...no pun intended:)
sponge bob depicts my life...my gothic name's static pulse...from now on I go by soren kierkegaard's "To take a risk is to lose one's foothold for a moment. Not to risk is to lose oneself."
I woke up really early this morning in anticipation of the rains that typhoon “Glenda” would bring. I was bent on going to the office early so that I would beat the traffic and all the other commuters who still have to go to work.
Unfortunately (or fortunately), I was not meant to be at the office this day. I was putting on my sweatshirt and about to finish prepping up for work when I received a message from my sister telling me that the street I always walk on to get a ride to get to work is…tanan!!!…FLOODED!!! I told myself that I should still go and see for myself if it is indeed flooded. The moment I stepped out of our place, I realized I should have taken my sister’s word for it. Even if I took the trike to get to the corner where I usually get my ride, it would not help at all since I would still get wet. And the nook where I usually stand is also submerged in water according to bystanders who probably saw how helpless I looked.
That left me no choice but to go back home and change into something dry. I short messaged my team letting them know that I might miss the talk scheduled for today where visitors from our Rockville HQ will be speaking with the entire office as their audience. I was optimistic that I would make it to the office in the afternoon, at least to manage my workload. Alas! That was not how things would turn out as the day progressed. After I changed into something more comfortable I picked up the papers that were two days old and some magazines as well. That was when everything started to feel right. When was the last time I held on to the newspaper to actually read ? I do keep myself updated with the goings-on in the world through the Internet, but nothing could quite compare with the feel and smell of the newsprint right at my fingertips. Melodramatic huh? But it’s true. Browsing through the papers reminded me of my younger days when I religiously read the pages from cover-to-cover, if only to keep me updated for my social science class and yes, I do not feel complete without having read the newspaper in a day. Geeky, I know! But yes, I feel more learned when I find out something new from the newspaper. Hehehe. Besides, I need it since a lot more trivial matters stuck with me like post-its like who is considered as the Bruce Lee of the Philippines? Or who is Jojo Alejar? Worst, I know the Triplets’ jingle for the Colgate ad ages ago!!! Reading the newspaper is my antidote to my ethereal love affair with trivial matters.
-I learned that Ramzan Kadyrov is Chechen’s current Prime Minister and he used to be a warlord. Though his loyalty is in question, he appears to be the stop-gap solution until Russia finds someone better.
-I got reacquainted with Upton Sinclair’s principle, which according to Paul Krugman reflects the difficulty to get a man to understand something when his salary is dependent on his not understanding it. In 2004, the U.S. Economy grew by 4.2 percent. This is supposed to be a very impressive figure but statistics showed that the typical American family’s purchasing power actually fell. Weird but true. This only means that the economic benefits of that 4.2 percent growth is not equally distributed and is felt by the few elite Americans.
-I realized that Nikko Asset Management is the third largest fund manager in Japan (who happens to be one of our major clients).
-I found out that there is such a place called Batman, Turkey, where there is such a thing as Honor Killing which is slowly evolving to Honor Suicide. Double-standards still apply to certain poor areas of Turkey.
I could list down a lot more of what I have discovered for today but for now, I will hit the Horoscope section although it’s already two days old. Hahaha!